

March 21


Back to work, we run into road blocks occasionally as a medical group. As you probably have figured out there really isn't much critical care for us to work on. We do a lot of washing of wounds, applying antibiotic ointment and bandaging.

We had plans to work in one village but they didn't need our services at this time, so back in the van to peddle our wares to another village. We ended up at a refuge camp in north Colombo. These people lived along a canal that runs into the Indian Ocean. As the giant waves came, water rushed up the canal and flooded out 100s of homes. The homes were very closely spaced and didn't look too good in the first place. The place was a mess. So all the people were housed in the tents and temporary shelters were being built. They had a decent place for us to work in the shade, a few old tables, a few young men grabbed a 2x4 and repaired a bench. The people started lining up while we wait, we sing songs with the kids. Row row row your boat is starting to get old. ha ha

We’re going to have to come up with something better. Anyway the kids are happy singing and clapping, next they are singing jingle bells, I enjoy this time. We spend a few hours doing medical work and we're off. The driving is very time consuming. We are really getting to know one another.
